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To the one who turned stranger


सायद ज्ञानको थलो भएर होला, सबैले मन्दिर भन्छन यसलाई, तर मैले त प्रकृतिमै भेटे ज्ञानको खोला, पहिलो शब्द सिकाउने आमाबुबालाई छोडेर भगवान् भन्नु कसलाई।। मेरो लागि त जीवन खेलको मैदान थियो, अनि अपरिचित भेट्ने चौतारी, घरपछि यहीँ ठाउँमा बाले ज्ञानको दियो, ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्न यहीँ आए धेरै पटक भौतारी ।। ज्ञान मात्र होइन असल मित्र पनि पाए, मानवता हरायो होला भनेको यथार्थ शिक्षकहरुले सिकाए, पहिलो पटक रुँदै आएको स्मृति नयनमा आए, यहाँ बिताएका अविस्मरणीय क्षणहरु मनमा सजाए ।। गृहकार्य नगर्दा हुन्थ्यो अनेक माफी, अनि शिक्षकले प्रश्न सोध्दा उड्ने हाम्रो होस्, तर बकवास भए पनि उत्तर सिकाउन हुन्थे साथी, असल मित्रहरू पाएर समाप्त भयो मेरो खोज ।।


Listen to the roar of cloud, Heed the cry of it, Even among the companion of untold friends, Solitude has never left it. Sometimes it dances with euphoria, In the setting of sky, Look! How beautiful is the pattern, Like the army marching in a line. Either it is posing for a photo, Or opening a magical chest, The flash so bright and the closing of shutter, Like a lion going to have a bite. It might be living in an ancient age, As it is black and white, Since it cannot fathom our signs, It is such a stubborn child. Rolls along with the wind, Forsooth it is it's best friend, Always comes together, Like a new born baby with it's innocent cry. People's heart fills with pleasure, When they see it cry, But when it doesn't seem to stop, People bear the wildest agony. Look! How beautiful the cloud, Bright, as sun has been it's crown, Feels like

Unsaid Goodbye!

No matter how good is your vocabulary, You will never find the word to express this misery. Everyone has to confront this not only once, But time and again in life as you advance. To utter a word shivered his heart, To speak even a word his lips couldn't apart. Think about the next if the first is so tough, To urge that word his strength wasn't enough. It was the last day of their gathering, Slowly they were approaching the time for scattering. Past memories reflected in his eyes, How couldn't the immense love arise? The most outspoken was dumb, His heart was beating like madman on a drum. So called bold was also shy, He could do nothing but cry. It was the first time all together but silent, Tears falling like stream so violent. The most scary whiteboard became pleasing, Everything appeared appealing while leaving. Everyone departed with souvenir of their friends, Thinking about memories together they spent. Even afte


Far from the city, there is a village, Where people don't erect walls between houses, People wake up along with the sweet song of birds, Which carries melody and euphony like the message from Lord, Far from the city, there is a village, A divine place where nature rests. Far from the desert, there is a forest, An undulating place where nature breathes, An ideal place to appreciate mother nature, Where a poet wants to cover every inch of it in a paper, Far from the desert, there is a forest, A pristine art of nature; flawless. Far from the glacier, there is a river, Every time new yet always there, Hides dark might in its hush flow, Advancing steadily without any fixed place to go, Far from the glacier, there is a river, Takes different forms as it wanders. Far from the turbulence, there is solitude, Where no other voice is louder than that of you, A peerless time to search for self, In this journey, there is none you can seek for help, Far from the turbulence, there is solitude,


Those were the days I was perplexed, maybe everybody would feel it. Wondering at the starry sky, it was a great pleasure indeed; endless memoirs as that of the stars, the mind was an ocean with curiosity to do something new; something no one has done yet, behind all of these things those quality time with weird friends, maybe we can call it a gem of life, meant a lot to me. If anyone asks “What is life?” I will say “Remember the time when you wished to travel the world but you have no penny. Remember the time when you were admonished for the mistake done by others. Remember the time when your outfit was messy yet everyone loved you. Remember the time when everyone believed in your lies. Yeah! Remember the time when you were a child, when you had nothing in life but lots of enthusiasm, when you had your own world, your own happiness, your own definition of happiness, your heart was pure, no any jealousy no any greediness and the time when you dared to walk no matter how many times


I started my journey along with you, I began from where you did, I thought I was to continue someone’s journey, But I realized my life is all that's meant for me. I started when someone  kicked the bucket , But not repentant as I have to ascent, Our avenues were based on different perspective, When you encountered adversities your flow was inactive. I started along with river of flow, After downpour of snags I saw rainbow, You were like the air that blows, And efforts that fall like a row of dominoes. I ended where I wanted to be in dreams, As I have travelled the road of extremes, You finished up with tawdry in hands, That slithers from hand like sand. 

Don't ask

Don't ask human about humanity, Don't blame other for your defect, Cause it's hidden behind thick fog of vanity, None other but you have to protect your respect. Don't ask nature about it's beauty, Don't forget it's the creator's gift, It's smashing views are now only seen in movies, It's charm is the best thing than can ever exist. Don't ask sky about it's height, Don't worry even if its the darkest night, Cause its when the stars are bright, Set a goal and take a heroic flight. Don't ask mountain about it's strength, Don't always search for easiest path, Pile up might and go to the length, The way to success has no formula of math. Don't ask ocean about it's depth, Don't ever try to test its might, Plans are always better kept secret, Cause minute units are heeded when environment is quiet. Don't ask wind about its direction, Don't make fun of baby


थाहा थिएन आखिर माया के हो थाहा पाए सबै उत्तर तिमीलाई भेटेर । मेरो मनको सबै भ्रम टाढा भो मनमा भएका सबै कुरा तिमीसँग साटेर ।। सोच्ने गर्थे माया बिना जिन्दगी चल्दैन आगो बिना कुनै पनि कुरा बल्दैन । बल्ल थाहा भयो साथी बिना जिन्दगी चल्दैन र ईर्ष्या भए कुनै कुरा बल्न आगो चाहिँदैन ।। यहाँ सबै जना प्रगतिको दौडमा छन् मेरो खोज निरन्तर असल मित्रको जारी छ । अर्काको प्रगति हेर्न सक्ने छैन कसैको मन विगतका स्मृतिले मेरो मन खिन्न भएको छ।। यहाँ को ठुलो को सानो थाहा थिएन मलाई भन्थ्यौ हरपल साथ दिनेछु तिमीलाई। मलाई यति ज्ञात थियो तिमी मेरै हौँ होइनौ पराई  असल साथीको दृष्टान्त भयौँ तिमी मलाई ।।

कहाँ गए ती दिन

याद छन् मलाई मेरा बालापनको रमाइलो याम जहिले भनिन्थ्यो सधैँ रमाइलो गर्दै जाम । ती साथीहरुको यादमा रुन्छ सधैँ मेरो मन  कसरी व्यक्त गरूँ लेख्दा लेख्दै काम्छ मेरो तन।। नयाँ साथी बनाउन लाग्थ्यो मलाई रङ्ग हाँस्दै खेल्दै बित्थ्यो समय तिनीहरू सँग । यो संसारको मोहमायादेखि थियौँ धेरै टाढा ती पलहरु सम्झिँदा बिझ्छन् मनमा काँडा ।। कहिले ठुलो हुन्छ भनी देख्थिएँ सपना  तर आज बाल्यकालको रमाइलो भयो कल्पना । सानो छँदा भन्नेगर्थेँ डाक्टर बन्न चाहन्छु तर आज मनले भन्छ बालक बन्न चाहन्छु ।। बाल्यकाल भनेको घडीको सेकेण्डको सुइरो रहेछ आँखा खोलेर हेर्दा बाल्यकाल नै बित्दो रहेछ । अचम्म रहेछ यो समयको नीति र खेल अब कहिले हुने होला हामी सबैको मेल ।। आकाशको चरी जस्तै मुक्त थियौँ बाल्यकालमा हामी भविष्यको लक्ष्य सोच्दा सोच्दै बद्लियो काहानी । खेलौनाको लागि खस्थ्यो मेरो आँखाबाट आँसु कोही भनिदेऊ ती सम्बन्ध फेरि कसरी गाँसु ।। कल्पनाको संसार थियो ठुलो हुने चाहना साथीहरुसँग घुम्न जान गर्यौँ अनेक बाहना । चौतारीमा सबैसँगै बसेको झल


विद्यालयको परीक्षामा सिकाउने साथी त धेरै भेटे तर जीवनको परीक्षामा कसले साथ दिने होला । किताब भएको झोला त भारी लाग्ने यो काधँलाई जीवनको जिम्मेवारीको बोझ त के होला ।। विद्यालय त केही पल बिताउने चौतारी रहेछ यसकै शितलमा जीवनको मानचित्र कोरीदो रहेछ । किताबमा त केवल जीवनको परिभाषा थियो यसको अर्थ त बाल्यकालको स्मृतीमा भेटियो ।। समयले गति फेर्यो जीवनमा नयाँ मोड आयो यो मनमा आज फेरि त्यही गीत गुन्जियो । सधैँ साथीहरुसँग हराउने मनले एकान्त खोज्यो एउटा शान्त कुनामा बालापनको तस्बिर झल्कियो ।। क ख बाट सँगै सुरु भएको यात्रा आज कहाँ पुग्यो सँगै हाँसेको सम्झेर मेरो आँखा भिज्यो । आँखाबाट कुरा हुन्थ्यो अनि मुखमा मौनता नबोले पनि कुरा बुझ्ने साथी भेटिन्छ मात्र एउटा ।।