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To the one who turned stranger

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"I have no will to live anymore. I will suicide." Suicide ; how effortlessly you said you will suicide but have you ever contemplated what will happen after that. Presumably, the answer is "NO!". I acknowledge you have been through hard times often in life. I also appreciate your care for us. I apprehend you have been shattered, have no enthusiasm left. I adore you for what you have done,  what you have forfeited, and what you have provided. But I never understood "Is suicide the only solution?". I don't know if I will ever get the answer which will heal my soul from anyone attempting to. Since all I know is self-destruction is never a way out. So, Let's find a way out of this. Think back to those days of tough times. Thought of self-murder might have crossed your mind. But did you pick that? Did you accentuate that thought a little more? Then why now? You told me those anecdotes of the darkest hours of your life, not the ones of any well-renowned


"Can we be friends?" said she after some hours of nattering. It wasn't the first time I perceived this question but sudden anxiety developed inside me. I don't know what it was strange but still familiar. "Are you sure?" I enquired. "Of course, pretty sure. Is there any problem?" "But we are not familiar with each other." " Then we will." "You are talking about the future, which is vague." After some minutes of silence, she said, "I feel like you don't want to be friends with me." "That's not the case. I might be friends with you, but not so quick." "So, then do you have any best friends? If you don't make anyone your friend easily, then the best friend is the matter to be thought about. Do you?" "I am everyone's friend but never the BEST FRIEND. I wasn't anyone's favorite." "Oh, it's obvious. But you mentioned that you are everyone's friend,

Hope !

  I long to see that angelic smile, Sitting by your side for a while. That nostalgic smile still survives, For the past has been back alive. I am strolling around the locus you once mentioned, They are engrossing more than their description. If I could ask you even now, for the escapade you craved, But now, your contact is nowhere saved. Long gone are the days of knocking around together, Making promises which don't last forever. When you were around, loneliness was a myth, Your company was enough to put my life in sync. It's to remind you but not to say, I am not more than a memory away. Travel to the days of foolishness and time spent, To the days that cannot be brought back again. Someday our roads might cross by fate, Or we could even behold each other gaze, That day will be the most pleasant, Traveling from present to past and past to present. Follow Me


He doesn't need a couch or a pillow, He will have them wherever he goes, Deep into reflection, resting head against the wall, Memories flash, but he cannot have them in his arms. He walks through the same congested blacktop, His yearnings are falling steadily like raindrops, For people, rain is a beautiful scene to mark, For him, sunshine is like his shadow in the dark. Beside walks his entangled shadow, He is seen mourning in his meadow, He gets replied from his inner heart, Even in the present he couldn't apart from the past. He encounters the feeling of impending doom, Behind the merry face, he is wearing the merest mask of gloom, He swallows his feelings before others, Since no one wants to listen to what he suffered. His blue sky is now no more clear, Things are always not the same as they appear, It was long before he lived incongruity, Today life has shown him utmost disparity, People are resented, scorned, and unheard, Till their body is buried under, One must bury the

प्रश्न मित्रताको

साथी; सुन्दै मन प्रफुल्लित हुने यो शब्द , कठिन अवस्थाको आश्रय यो शब्द, जीवनमा एक्लोपनको आभास हटाइदिने यो शब्द, गन्तव्यको सहयात्री यो शब्द, विश्वासको पात्र यो शब्द, स्मृतिको भेल यो शब्द । खै ? कुन शब्दले यो साथी शब्दको बयान गरु? यो शब्द यति विशेष छ कि यो शब्दको जति बयान गरे पनि म थकित हुने छैन । सोच्नुस् त शब्दले नै यति श्रेष्ठता बोध गर्दछ भने यो शब्दको पछाडि जो व्यक्ति छ उसको तपाईंको जीवनमा कति महत्त्व होला । तर मलाई कहिले काँही डर लाग्छ यो शब्दबाट । यो पनि बत्ती मुनिको अँध्यारो जस्तै हो कि । प्रश्न उठ्छ "असलमा मेरो साथी को हो ?" सोच्ने गर्छु साथी भनिएका जो जति व्यक्तिहरू छन् के साँच्चै तिनीहरू मेरा साथी हुन् र? कतै मैले आफ्नै खुट्टामा बन्चरो हनिराको त छैन? सोच्छु, आफैलाई प्रश्न गर्छु "एउटा अपरिचित व्यक्ति केही क्षणको वाक्य आदन प्रदान गर्दैमा मित्र हुन्छन्?" यदि यसो हो भने म जीवनमा साथीको कल्पना समेत गर्दिनँ । कति सोजो छौँ है हामी । साथी शब्द मै साथ छ तर पनि यात्राको क्रममा दुई वाक्य साट्दैमा उसलाई हामी साथी भन्छौँ । के साथ दुई वाक्यको हो र ? सधैँ आफ्नो लागि मात्र स

Last time

  Hold my hands one last time, Like when we have steep rise to climb, It's always radiant to have you nearby, When it's about walking under the night sky, Even when walking on the dark empty road, My pint up emotions could not explode, Fill the spaces between my fingers by yours, We’ll walk over dry leaves again for hours. Look into my eyes one last time, Let concealment be poured into our heart for some time, When your gliding hair hinders my goal, I’ll lift it from your eyes and look into your soul, Your eyes evoke myriad memories, Hiding elegant smile for me, Inside them, you cache a paradise, For a person so dear it's hard to say goodbye. Come and sit beside me one last time, We'll share the memories of an unfading time, Rest your head over my shoulder, Let the evening get darker and colder, Feel how the breeze caresses our faces, They remind of those old familiar places, In this perfect moment, speak using those lovely eyes, For I want to share my feelings hidden


Sometimes I laugh upon myself, Sometimes I wonder about other, Some are chirping  for empty inbox, While some for empty stomach.   Where is the meaning of it, Where is the humanity, When you laugh seeing a person falling, When your hands move forward only after laughing has been complete.   How ignoble  has been the emotions, How ex travagant  the empathy, What is the meaning of that sympathy, Commenting on Facebook's post with mediocrity.   I am a foolish person I know that, But people don't laugh at me cause they all are, Isn't it foolishness to want to be young in childhood, And to want childhood after being grown up.   Who said humans are the most s ane creature , Ask them the list of things and people they love, Ask them their first love, They will miss them in one and parents in another.   Why do people always recall same thing or person, Having the intention to forget them , They name it the act of running away, But always thinking of same, how could they.   The prob


Though we might not remember the day we met, We might have talked through eyes; I guess, We didn’t know each others name to take, Here today, we don’t need words to express. Although not my birthday I received a gift, The most precious one; your friendship, I want to share every glimpse with you, For you are a friend so true. In your lonely days having creepy views, Remember I will be there standing by you, I ran to you when things were tough, Never forget my hand when things will be rough. We have absurd memories to recall, Your friendship when my back was on the wall, You are the friend I count on for advice, The company of your is a paradise. You interrupted me whenever I was wrong, We argued and fought all day long, You became my base whenever I tripped, Our words might but heart will never conflict. I wanted to thank you my friend, But sorry for I couldn't explain, I wish to god, oh my beloved friend, May this friend