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To the one who turned stranger


Though we might not remember the day we met,
We might have talked through eyes; I guess,
We didn’t know each others name to take,
Here today, we don’t need words to express.

Although not my birthday I received a gift,
The most precious one; your friendship,
I want to share every glimpse with you,
For you are a friend so true.

In your lonely days having creepy views,
Remember I will be there standing by you,
I ran to you when things were tough,
Never forget my hand when things will be rough.

We have absurd memories to recall,
Your friendship when my back was on the wall,
You are the friend I count on for advice,
The company of your is a paradise.

You interrupted me whenever I was wrong,
We argued and fought all day long,
You became my base whenever I tripped,
Our words might but heart will never conflict.

I wanted to thank you my friend,
But sorry for I couldn't explain,
I wish to god, oh my beloved friend,
May this friendship never sever to the end.


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